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Ballroom Dancing

Back to Ballroom Dancing




Ballroom Dancing is a gentle and pleasurable activity, an ideal exercise for older persons such as u3a members.


The ballroom dance group leader and music players do take reasonable steps to minimise risks, by apt choice of venue and suitable music – but nevertheless, the activities are not entirely without risk. Dancers do have to beware of slips or dizziness, a potential cause of fall accidents, and should ensure they have suitable footwear. Also, remember that dancing in close proximity can allow spread of infectious diseases such as Covid-19 or 'flu. So rooms for dancing should be set up with ample ventilation, and chairs suitably spaced apart, bearing in mind any specific government or venue requirements.

Dancers should judge their own capabilities as to which dance types or moves they can safely enjoy. Particularly they might avoid fast dances or spinning movements if unsure. Also, refrain from exchanging partners if Covid is still prevalent. They should inform the leader if not fully vaccinated, in case this could affect vulnerable dancers.

Dancers with the u3a should note, that insurance against personal accidents or loss is their own responsibility. U3a insurance is limited to Public Liability, and is only designed to protect and indemnify members and group leaders against claims due to their dance activities.


Walter Mason July 2021